We may not want to admit it but our image matters! It takes less than 10 seconds for someone to determine how they will perceive you before you say hello.


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Closet Detox

Do you have a closet full of clothes but “nothing to wear”? A closet detox is a perfect way to remove the clothing that no later reflects who you are and allows you to begin to build the wardrobe you desire.

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Virtual Closet Planning

Have you tried to clean out your closet on your own only to become overwhelmed due to not knowing where to start? This service is a perfect place to start to create a plan on how to tackle your closet


About Me

Hey, I’m Tiffany your Wardrobe Stylist. My mission is to assist a diverse Women in Leadership ( Corporate Professionals and Entrepreneurs) clean out their closet and lay the foundation for a style that will reflect how they want to show up in the world. With over 20 years in Corporate America, I am applying what I have learned to help YOU create their visual business card.

“If you want to change your life. start by cleaning out your closet.”

— Tiffany